Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time With My Girlfriends

A wise woman...knows that when women gather they are stronger
The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to make space in my life for girlfriends.Sometimes I get so focused on what needs to get done next on my to-do list, that taking time out to spend with my girlfriends feels like a guilty pleasure. And yet I always feel good after I’ve spent time with them.
When I get together with my friends we talk about things we're passionate about, share our personal experiences, exchange our views on every topic that comes to mind, and I always come away having learned something new. We celebrate the good stuff, commiserate about the tough stuff, and without any notice we may burst into a belly laugh that leaves tears in our eyes. It’s a cleansing feeling to share a good belly laugh with my friends – it clears my head and allows me to really “be” in the moment.

Starting Wise Women's Weekends was my way of deliberately making time with my friends and has been one of the best things I’ve done for myself. And while I will continue to have my official annual get-awaywith the gals, what I know now is that once a year isn’t enough. Whether we meet for coffee or go for a walk, whether there’s two of us or ten, making time with my friends throughout the year has become a priority for me because I’ve learned that it’s one of the ways I take care of myself.

Most importantly, I come away from my time with my girlfriends feeling connected, strong, and valued. I think one of the greatest luxuries in life is to feel that you are heard and understood, and I feel that way when I’ve hung out for awhile with my friends.

I love this picture of my Wise Women and I sharing one of our many belly laughs - it's just good for the soul.

I found this short clip about Girlfriends by entertainer Nicole Johnson - enjoy!  


  1. I completely agree with your concept, Lauri. One of my best friends lives in Vanc and makes an annual trek to be with us gals here in MB. (She's originally from here.) And this year, 7 of us writer gals made time after a work-related conference to have a 2-day retreat where we could just chill out together. We're already looking forward to next year's! I think it's really important to set aside special "girl time" as we women tend to otherwise put everyone else's needs ahead of our own. Good luck with your site.

  2. I am so glad to find this blog. What a terrific idea. I am an overworked Information Technology Director, mother of an Autistic daughter and a brittle Type 1 Diabetic. It is easier to get one more thing done rather than spend time with my friends. I really like the support of spending off time with great friends as something as important as all my other roles. Thank you so much. Looking forward to more of your blog-thoughts ;) Angie
