A Wise Woman...knows when it's time to focus on other important things.
My goodness, was my last post really in May? The more I think about it, the more that makes sense.
We both learned so much through this process, about ourselves, and about each other. I remain in awe of his quiet determination, and still wonder if I could approach such a life altering experience with such grace.
grateful to have had the kind of schedule that allowed me to be with
him every day so that I could support him, and be there to celebrate the
large and small wins along the way as he learned to walk again.
also grateful to see our household get back to more familiar rhythms.
He's enjoying being back at work - as am I - and the kids seem to
settling in with their respective studies. Fall always feels like a
pseudo New Year to me, and as we wind September up and refocus our
energies, we're all a little closer, and a little wiser from the