Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When it comes to living the life she imagines...

...a Wise Woman insists on erasing certain things from her vocabulary.

It's January 18th, half way into the first of twelve months in 2011. Perhaps like you, I have been giving tremendous thought and making plans for how I want my next year to unfold, while at the same time reflecting on how 2010 turned out.

This last year was full of surprises for me. Some things I had planned for didn't come close to what I had imagined while other opportunities presented themselves from what seemed like left field. But when it's all said and done, there were still wonderful strides made toward some of my 'big hairy audacious goals' for how I want my life to be - it just didn't happen in the way that I had imagined.

Doing this reflection has reminded me just how important it is to remain open and flexible with respect to goal setting.

"Stay focused on the goal - remain flexible with how you get there." Lou Tice 

One of the other things I remind myself of on a daily (OK, sometimes hourly) basis is to watch my language when it comes to goal setting and creating the life I want. What I say to myself, and what I listen to from others, has a tremendous impact on how things go. If I believe something is impossible, I'll subconsciously find all sorts of evidence to prove that I'm right. Of course the opposite is also true - if I believe something is possible, I'll subconsciously look for evidence to support that belief as well. 

The bottom line is that I have a choice - and I choose to remove certain words from my vocabulary that won't help me move forward. The more I use words that are positive, the stronger I feel. The stronger I feel, the more confident and creative I am to go after the life I have imagined.

After all, whenever we have created something wonderful in our lives - no matter what it is - it's usually because we were open to what was possible.